Praying for my country has been low on my priority list. It shouldn't be.
There are good biblical reasons for praying for our nation. One verse that leaps immediately to mind is Paul's command in 1 Timothy 2:2: "Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity."
But there are other reasons, too. Paul tells us in Ephesians 6 that we are fighting against dark powers in the unseen world, powers that certainly affect our nation. He tells us we need to pray as well as put on the armour of God in standing against these powers.
There is a graphic example of prayer affecting the outcome of a crucial battle in 2 Kings 6. There, Elisha reveals to his servant that an angelic army is ready to battle the invading Arameans. He then prays that God will strike the invaders with blindness. After they are blinded, he leads them into the city of Samaria where their eyes are opened and they realize they are virtual prisoners - although, the king is merciful and sends them back to their country.
That tells me that God is fighting battles against evil forces that are hidden from our sight. Our duty is to pray.
So, how are we to pray for our leaders and our country?
The simple answer is we pray God's will. His will is clear in scripture. There is nothing there about praying for the Conservatives or the Liberals. But there is plenty about obeying God, about being just, about looking after the needy, about spreading the gospel, about fighting against the forces of evil. There is a lot about living holy lives, dedicated to the Lord.
Through prayer, we can see nations change. We can see events turned to God's glory.
In his book Rees Howells Intercessor, Norman Grubb notes that this great Welsh revivalist and prayer warrior said in the years leading up to the Second World War that "the world became our parish" as he and a band of fellow pray-ers prayed against the evils of Naziism and Fascism. They and others prayed intensely and battles miraculously turned against Germany when Britain seemed on the edge of disaster.
Some will say this was coincidence. No doubt many Israelites said the same in Elisha's time.
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