Monday, 19 August 2013

Turn your thoughts into prayer!

My mind normally bounces around like a rubber ball - from one thing to another.

What if I settled on one thing and prayed about it before moving on?  It would take some discipline, but I'm sure it would change me.

Suppose I'm anxious about a presentation I'm about to make.  Instead of telling myself that I'm worried, I could thank God for the opportunity.  I could pray for the people attending, asking that the Holy Spirit will prepare them.

I could go on to ask for God's peace of mind.  I could pray the prayer that author Jan Johnson often uses: "Into your hands, O Lord."  In effect, I would surrender the presentation into God's hands - and that would bring me peace.

Or, maybe there are several things I have to do in a hurry.  I could ask God to help me see these tasks through his eyes.  What is most important to him? I can ask him to give me patience as I carry them out.  I can ask for his peace and rest even in the midst of the hurry and bustle.

Or, I might be wrestling with a family heartache.  I can thank God that he is present and cares about the family member even more than I do.  I can plead my case to the Lord and then give it to him to sort out.

It sounds easy and I know it isn't in practice.  It means I have to slow down and put on the brakes to my worried mind.

But I really feel it is worthwhile.

I keep coming back to Psalm 139 where David tells us that God knows everything about us and is with us everywhere and in every moment.

In verse 17, he says:  "How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"

How can I know God's thoughts without asking him?  Prayer gives me that opportunity, even when I'm on the run.

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