Sunday, 1 September 2013

The blessings of praying together

Don't miss the blessing of praying with others!

In essence, that's the message of James Banks, author of The Lost Art of Praying Together.

I can say from personal experience that I often leave a prayer gathering with others feeling uplifted.

As I have noted before, Jesus said that where two or three of us are gathered together in his name, he is there.  Even more, he says that if we agree on a matter in prayer, God will carry it out (Matthew 18:19-20).

There is something about praying together with one mind that seems to draw us  close to God.  I know that God is always with us - but I feel as if Jesus is with us praying as we pray.

In his book, Banks lists some of the blessings of praying together.

He tells the story of Jeremiah Lanphier, a layman, who started a mid-day prayer gathering for Manhattan businessmen in New York in 1857.  Only six men turned out for the first prayer meeting.

Then, the prayer gathering grew and had to find a larger hall.  Other churches began praying together as they noticed the blessings flowing from Lanphier's meeting.

Within six months, 10,000 businessmen were gathering daily for prayer in New York. From New York, the prayer movement spread across the United States and within two years, a million converts were added to American churches.

God's power is released as we pray together.

Another blessing is unity.  When we pray for others with an open heart, we can't hold grudges.  As we pray, God moves within us to bring us to one mind.

"Our unity in prayer demonstrates the glory of God at work in our lives in a beautiful way," writes Banks.

He goes on to say that "prayer is nothing less than love on its knees".  He notes how the apostle Paul repeatedly told his readers how much he prayed for them in love.  When we pray together, we are loving each other and pouring out God's love for those in need.

"Even when churches are having difficulty getting along with each other," he says, "humble, heartfelt prayer can accomplish miracles and draw us together in love."

Another blessing is growing faith as we unite in prayer.  We learn from others as we pray.  Mature believers give us great examples to follow.  Banks mentions one person who poured out praise and thanks to God in such a way that it left a permanent impression on his life.

John Franklin, author of And The Place Was Shaken, says that most of Jesus' comments on prayer in the New Testament are in the plural in the original Greek, meaning that he was talking about people praying together.

The case for praying together is compelling.  When we pray together with humble hearts, God blesses us.

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