Saturday, 4 October 2014

Dynamic prayer

We’re human – we want our wishes fulfilled.

But should that be the main focus when we pray together?

No, says Dennis Fuqua, author of United and Ignited.

From long experience leading group prayer, he finds that prayer that centres on Jesus is far more dynamic than going through our list of personal prayer requests.  

And with good reason – we are turning our eyes from our own worries and concerns to the great God of the Universe.  As we draw closer to God, our faith and trust in him grows.

Fuqua doesn’t reject personal requests.  But he places worship of God first.

He often uses scripture as a jumping-off point for times of uplifting group prayer.  He quotes great Christian leaders over the centuries who say that all scripture should lead us to Christ.
One technique he has used is to list the titles of Jesus or God.

I have found that effective, too – referring to the names of God in the Old Testament, such as, God our redeemer, God our peace, God almighty.  These names are used by the Holy Spirit to prompt and direct our prayers.

For example, the title “Jehovah-Jireh” – God our provider – can lead to prayers of thanks about God’s provision in our own circumstances.

On one occasion, Fuqua used a song “All of you is more than enough for me” to encourage people in the prayer meeting to complete the phrase “Jesus, you are my . . .” People began saying “Jesus, you are my light”, “Jesus, you are my rock”, “Jesus, you are my conqueror.”

Then, he urged them to make this even more personal.  And people began saying things such as “Jesus, because you are my justification, I don’t have to justify myself.”

He notes that the Lord’s Prayer – the model prayer that Jesus himself gave to his disciples – begins with requests that God’s name be holy, that his kingdom come, and that his will be done.

“Jesus made it very clear that before we pray about our needs, we should first consider his desires,” Fuqua says.

In effect, “we should be aware that his kingdom has priority over our needs”.

Once we begin thinking and praying this way, we will realize that we are part of something much bigger than ourselves – spreading the kingdom of God on earth.

That’s exciting!

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