Monday, 18 September 2017

Praying on the edge

Sometimes, our most powerful prayers rise up to God when we feel we're standing on the edge of a steep cliff with nowhere to go but down.

Why is that?

Perhaps because we have no other options but depending entirely on God.  Perhaps because the results of our prayers will bring glory to God.  Perhaps because the answer to prayer fits into a larger story than just this moment of desperation.

The prayer of the young Jewish captive Daniel in Daniel 2 is a good example.

The Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar had a bad dream one night and challenged his astrologers to tell him what he had dreamed as well as the meaning of the dream.  It was a supreme test because none of the astrologers could guess what the king had dreamed.

Daniel and his young Jewish friends, who were servants of the king, heard that they, too, were slated to die.  So Daniel asked the king for time to determine what the king had dreamed and what was the dream's interpretation.

That night, Daniel and his friends sought God's revelation of the king's dream.  God's answer came to Daniel in a vision.

When Daniel went to the king, he not only told him what the dream was but also the interpretation.  He did not claim credit for himself and his friends but gave all the glory to God.  His life and the lives of others were saved.

Daniel knew that he could not save himself.  It had to be God.  So, he went to God and after receiving the vision, he poured out praise to the Lord.

Why did God save Daniel?  Why did he allow Daniel to face this frightening test?

From the vantage point of history, the Lord had plans for the young man.  He knew Daniel's heart and his commitment to God.

The young man was on the bottom step of a life of sacrificial service to God that would stand as an example for all believers through the ages.  This incident helped shaped the man who was to become a great prophet.

We don't all go through experiences as spectacular and life-threatening as that.  But most of us run up against problems that seems overwhelming at the time.

Then, we must throw ourselves upon God in prayer, surrendering ourselves to whatever he will do.

God works best in our lives when we depend entirely on him.

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