Sunday, 8 July 2012

The power of blessing

The Bible tells us to bless God and bless others.  Why?

In some way, blessing seems to release God's power in our lives.

Let's take the apostle Paul's words: "Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse (Romans 12:14)."

If we follow that command literally, we will stop complaining about others.  We will pray that God's goodness will be poured out on them.

Over time, we will change.  And, quite often, the people we bless will be blessed.  That may well change our relationships with them.

When we do what God wants, God works in us.

Maurice Berquist has a basketful of modern stories of the power of blessing in his delightful book The Miracle and Power of Blessing (you can find the on-line version at

Berquist, a pastor, first experienced this power by accident when a woman with emotional and mental problems was brought to him.  Not knowing what to do, he felt impelled to read with her Psalm 103:1-6 which speaks of blessing or praising God who forgives our sins, heals our diseases, redeems us and satisfies our desires with good things.

He asked her then to read through these verses with him and she did this, slowly and hesitantly.  Amazingly, she was instantly healed and filled with joy.  She had been scheduled to go to a mental institution for treatment the following week, but no longer needed to.

Berquist suggests we should begin by blessing or praising God for who he is and what he has done; then, bless ourselves (that is, be thankful for how we have been created for we have been made that way by God); and finally bless others in specific ways.

There are certain things about this book that I struggle with theologically.  For example, he talks about blessing inanimate objects.  Yet, I realize that Jesus blessed the loaves and fishes and they were miraculously multiplied.

But, the Bible does tell us to praise God, bless others, and be thankful in all circumstances.

Living that way will certainly please God and change us.

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