Sunday, 26 July 2015

Prayer is relationship

The Garden of Eden is a picture of how important prayer is in our relationship with God.

God created Adam and Eve and loved being with them.  He talked with them face to face. (Genesis 1-3)

But Adam and Eve listened to the serpent - Satan - who convinced them to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil - an act forbidden by God.  Satan told them they would be like God, knowing good and evil - and they couldn't resist the temptation.

They became aware of their nakedness and tried to hide from God when he walked in the Garden. They broke their relationship with God through their disobedience.

Adam and Eve had a choice: They could have said "No" or, at the very least, they could have gone to God and spoken to him about the serpent's words.  They didn't.

I see similarities in our own relationship with God.

God has given us the gift of prayer so that we can talk with him, seek his face, learn from him, ask him for things, and receive guidance from him.  We can have the kind of relationship that Adam and Eve had in the Garden before their disobedience.

But, I confess that when I sin I often stop praying and seeking God's face - much like Adam and Eve.  And there is much in my life that I never pray about - things that God is interested in.

That is a serious mistake.  As Psalm 139 tells us: "O Lord, you have searched me and you know me . . . you are familiar with all my ways."

He knows me inside out - the good and the bad - but he wants me to be open with him.  He is interested in everything I do.

But this requires a change of mind and heart in me.  I must recognize that he is far greater than me and that he pursues me with a love that will not be denied.

We call God "Father" for a good reason.  We are like children in his sight - even if we are old.  He knows our weaknesses and our strengths.  He can see our futures.  He has a plan for us - and we are too short-sighted to know what it is.

So, why do we insist on going our own way without seeking his counsel and guidance?

God loves to talk with us - today just as much as in the Garden of Eden.  Prayer is our chance to enjoy conversing with him - anytime, anyplace, about anything.

What an honour!  What joy!


  1. Hi Bob,

    Great thoughts on prayer. I recently read an excellent book by Ken Shigemetsu called "God in my everything" where he reflects on different spiritual disciplines and the role they play in his rule of life. He talks about prayer as being the way that we experience friendship with God, which has been helpful for me in thinking through prioritizing more time in prayer!

  2. Thanks, Andy. I'll look up the book you mention. I was impressed with the way you prayed in the college and careers group - you exalted God.
