Monday, 30 November 2015

Prayer flies through walls

Prayer flies through walls.  It can go where you can't.

Wesley Duewel, author of Touch The World Through Prayer, puts it this way:

"Prayer can give you instant entrance into any home, any hospital, any government office, any courtroom in any part of the world."

This is a wonderful truth - and an encouragement to pray.  God acts as we pray and God is always able to do the impossible.

Duewel gives an example in his book of what he is talking about.

He says Bud Robinson, a pastor, hung on the edge of death after a serious injury.  At that time, pastors from his denomination were meeting in San Francisco and stopped their conference to pray for Robinson.

He had been suffering terrible pain and, at the exact time of the prayer gathering in San Francisco, his pain left him.

Shortly afterwards, he lapsed into unconsciousness and had a vision of Jesus.  While he was talking to Jesus, he saw two ministers standing on either side of the Lord.  He recognized the two men - they were two of his best friends and they were praying for him at that moment.

Distance did not prevent prayer from playing a huge role in Robinson's recovery.

Duewel notes that the apostle Paul talks of being with believers in distant cities in spirit (1 Corinthians 5:3).  Praying fervently for them, he is present in spirit with them.  Through Christ, prayer plays a role in the lives of others although we may be apart.

"Through prayer you can place your restraining hand on the arm of a criminal or terrorist anywhere in the world.  Through prayer you can place your guiding hand on the steering wheel of a car."

But Duewel says that we must pray constantly for others in order to get to the point where Paul could say he was virtually present in spirit with the Corinthians and Colossians.

"Your heart must be beating with the heart of Jesus as he intercedes."

It's hard to pray that intensely for a multitude of people.  But Duewel says we can pray in that way for one person or a few others.

We can begin by asking Jesus to help us pray for others with his love.

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