A church functions best when all members use the spiritual gifts God has given them.
Equally, a community is most blessed when all the gifts are distributed effectively among the local churches.
For these reasons, we should pray that the Lord will stir up church leaders and community leaders to understand the importance of all the spiritual gifts for their congregations and their communities and to use them.
That’s the conviction of Eddie Smith and Michael L. Hennen, authors of Strategic Prayer: Applying the Power of Strategic Prayer.
“God endows individuals, communities, and nations with gifts designed to help lead the nations to Christ,” say Smith and Hennen.
The apostle Paul outlines some of the gifts bestowed on believers by the Holy Spirit in such passages as Romans 12:4-8 and Ephesians 4:11-16. These gifts range from pastor, evangelist, helps, hospitality, wisdom and leadership to miracles, healing, faith, and mercy.
The authors suggest that one of the problems in using all the gifts available is that Christians often move about from church to church without settling down in a congregation and establishing strong relationships.
“People who drift from one congregation to another never give their gifts opportunity to become rooted in a set of relationships that will enable their gifts to grow and operate most freely,” the authors say.
Christians should be accountable to one another to use their gifts for the good of others in their church community.
Smith and Hennen also say that God has given believers gifts to be used in reaching those who do not know Christ.
So they say we should pray that Christian leaders understand the importance of all the Holy Spirit’s gifts for their own congregations and their communities.
“Pray that they will welcome and encourage the use of these gifts among their members.”
I must say I had not considered how vital it is that every church make use of all the spiritual gifts, not only for their own church members but for the advancement of the kingdom of God in their own communities.
Most evangelical churches place a high priority on teaching and preaching.
But the gifts of helping, serving and generosity may have an even larger impact on reaching people outside the church doors. People may be more willing to hear the message of Christ after demonstrations of Christ’s love.
So let’s pray that God will move believers to use their gifts for God’s purposes.
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