Sunday, 31 January 2016

God's secret service

S.D. Gordon has a great name for prayer warriors - God's secret service.

Gordon, who wrote Quiet Talks on Prayer more than 100 years ago, says some of the greatest pray-ers are quiet, humble people whom you don't notice.  They fly under the church radar.

But they are there to intercede for others around the world and their prayers matter.

In effect, prayer warriors are there to help carry out God's will on earth.  Their prayers are part of a pitched battle against Satan and his forces.

"The greatest thing any one can do for God and for man is to pray," writes Gordon.  "It is not the only thing.  But it is the chief thing."

That's because God works through our prayers.

Gordon notes that the powerful prayer warrior is one whose heart is committed to doing what God wants.

He quotes John 15:16 where Jesus is talking to his disciples on the last night before the crucifixion.

"You did not choose me," says Jesus.  "I chose you.  I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name."

There is a close connection between our lives with Christ and the impact of our prayers.  As we know Jesus better, we learn to know what he wants and praying for what Christ wishes is the key to powerful prayer.

"It can be said that God can do nothing for the man with shut hand and shut life.  There must be an open hand and heart and life through which God can give what he longs to."

As others have said, Gordon declares that prayer warriors can sit in their homes in North America and pray for people on the other side of the world.

"Prayer puts us in direct dynamic touch with a world," he adds.

It is hard for me and for most Westerners to truly understand the power of prayer.  Part of the reason is that we fail to understand the apostle Paul's words in Ephesians 6 where he says the Christian is not battling flesh and blood but against "evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world" - Satan and his followers.

In that combat, prayer in the name of Christ is potent.

Let us join the battle along with other members of God's secret service.

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